How to Start Organic Farming Business in India?
Organic Farming
The way the lifestyle has become nowadays, running, rushing, eating, drinking, people do not have time. Looking at all this, one thing is certain that whatever is going on is not right, but we have to keep ourselves in rhythm, keep ourselves healthy. That is why everyone has become health conscious and the awareness that has increased for a healthy lifestyle has increased the demand for organic products a lot, due to which rapid growth is being seen in both its domestic demand and exports. You probably know how beneficial organic farming is. Still, let us tell you that this organic farming is very beneficial for our health and our environment. This type of farming improves the agricultural cycle. It has also significantly reduced the import of pesticides and other foreign fertilizers and has also increased employment and it is believed that the future of the organic products industry is very bright.
Organic Farming: A Golden Opportunity
In such a situation, first of all you can be happy that we are coming on the right track regarding our health, even if slowly and then you can also think about your profits through this organic farming business and if you are interested in organic farming and want to grow by offering best health products to the people, then you can think about the organic farming business idea and you will get detailed information about it in today’s video, so invest the next few minutes on this article.
What is organic farming?
Let’s start and first of all understand what is organic farming? Organic farming is a type of farming in which organic fertilizers and natural pesticides are used, not chemicals and in this farming no genetic modification is done to increase the crop yield. This is an agricultural process in which biological fertilizers and pest control made from animal and plant waste are used instead of chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. This is a new system of farming which repairs, maintains and improves the ecological balance. Organic farming is not only environment friendly and nutritional, but it also gives good returns on investment. That is, it is a profitable business idea for us in every way.

Steps required to start an organic farming business
And now after knowing what is organic farming, let us know what are the important steps to start an organic farming business?
First of all, learn the basics of organic farming: Before starting this business, you should know the basics of organic farming. For this, you can take the help of videos, tutorials and online forums. By doing this, you will be able to know more and more about this natural method of farming and will be able to easily interact with such farmers and businessmen who are active in this area. Therefore, before thinking about business, definitely clear the basics. Like there are many methods of organic farming, bio dynamics, phoma farming, weed and pest management, poly cropping and crop diversity, microbe culturing, vermicomposting, soil conservation with water harvesting, you should have knowledge of these and should also know which method will be best for production.
Prepare a business plan: After understanding the basics of organic farming, you will know a lot about this business and after this it will be easy for you to prepare your business plan and you already know that if you want to do business, then first of all it is very important to have a clear business plan. So prepare a plan keeping in mind the needs of this business, which will definitely include all these points – your goals, vision of your business, variety of organic products that you plan to grow, strategy to handle the competition available in this sector, required investment, detailed business proposal etc.
Choose the right point: The site plays a major role in the success of any business and the location of an organic farm often decides how successful the venture will be. Therefore, make sure that the organic farm site has a clean water source that is close to the site, the farm is also far from the market so that it can be easily transported. While deciding what you are going to grow, you will have to get complete information about the soil condition of the site, what is the pH level of the soil, what is the soil quality and apart from these, you will also have to get complete information about other resources, such as whether the weather is seasonal or extreme, whether it is suitable for organic production or not, you will have to know about all such important conditions. The area for this business will depend on the scale of your business which can be 5 acres of land or even 10 acres.
Get licenses for your business: You will need these licenses – GST registration, Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Development i.e. MSME registration, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India i.e. FSSAI registration, Organic Farming Certificate of NPOP i.e. National Program for Organic Production.
Estimate the investment: Now if you want to know how much amount is required to set up an organic farming business at the initial level, then this initial finance would be between 5 to 10 lakhs in which there will be variation according to your business plan and production level.
Focus on target clients: After setting up the business, you have to focus on target clients and the clients you should focus on for this business are – hotels and commercial enterprises, farmers markets, coffee cafes, retail grocery outlets etc. Along with focusing on target clients, you can use e-commerce for brand building and create loyal clients through digital marketing, which will contribute greatly to the growth of your business.
Purchase raw material equipment: For organic farming, you will also need raw materials like – ground water, extracts of neem seeds, neem oil, milk, honey, manure, cow urine and some equipment like tractors, cultivators including rotating knives, automated and combined cultivators etc.
Staff and Patience
As far as staff is concerned, you will need a minimum and a maximum of five workers who know how to use the right equipment and machines, they will also need to have knowledge of all the necessary precautions and safety measures. After doing all this, that is, after completing these eight steps, you will start the business of organic farming, but you should also know how to work with patience because if you think that you will get organic fruits and vegetables overnight, then it is not going to happen. Growing organic crops is a slow process whose products are very good, but they cannot be obtained without patience. Therefore, it is very important for you to have patience and remain persistent in this business. Therefore, take as much detailed knowledge about your organic farming business as possible, make a complete strategy according to the suitable crop and then start such a business which will not only give you profit but will also contribute in improving the health of your country and the ecosystem. You will definitely get the satisfaction of this which will always encourage you to work hard continuously. So stay motivated, move ahead and start thinking about executing this business idea right now.
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